Contribute to Works of Grace Guatemala Service

You can participate in making a difference.  Your tax deductible contribution will support the health and education work in Guatemala through service experiences.

There options for your contributions:

  • The Works of Grace Scholarship Fund which provides financial support to service team participants for whom the cost are beyond their means
  • Support a team member.  You can contribute toward the costs for a specific individual service trip. 
  • General support for a medical or construction service team. 
  • Contribute to the general fund of Works of Grace.

To donate through PayPal press button below.  Then use the pull down menu (Use the donation for) to designate your donation.  Be sure to include a note if it is for a specific individual’s expenses or a specific team.

 Please note PayPal donations for Works of Grace are made through our partners at Grace Missional Communities.

Send checks made out to Works of Grace: 

Works of Grace c/o Linda Brewster, 27 Old Gray Rd, Cumberland Center, ME 04021

For more information Contact us